Monday, September 6, 2010

Brussels, Belgium

Pat and I arrived in Brussels from Brugge on the afternoon of Tuesday, August 31st. Getting from the train station to our hotel, again, seemed quite simple to get to. However, we ended up getting lost again and took a taxi! I was feeling quite under the weather so I took the afternoon for myself and took a nap. Pat was able to explore Brussels for the short time that we were there. She took a bus tour to see all of the main sights. She came back after to pick me up and we went to the central market for dinner. The center market was surrounded on every side by large buildings with outstanding architecture. Every building had gold statues and designs on the outside. In early August, the city of Brussels creates a large display of flowers. this display covers the center of the main square and looks almost like a carpet from the distance. Unfortunately we were not there during this time, but never the less it was still amazing. We went back to our hotel after we ate and were able to watch some of the U.S. Open Tennis Match. We woke up early and took a very early train to Koln. We were very easily able to get to my apartment, which was not as overwhelming as the first time we arrived. I did not take any pictures in Brussels, however I have below attached pictures of what the main square looks like when the flowers bloom, as well as what it looked like when Pat and I were there :)

1 comment:

  1. Wow... the city is amazingly beautiful! Excellent pictures, keep em coming!
